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May 2013
Sweetest pet I have encountered,
I'll allow you to rise from the floor,
to your knees;
Which we both know is an improvement.
Eager eyes, eager mind,
you give me much more than I demand,
though I don't complain;
It's nice to feel in a proper place for once,
which is, of course, as high up as I can get.
Devilish grins and sarcastic sentences,
you speak my language, a rare one at that,
so rise, you're allowed on your feet,
it's not polite to enslave pleasant company!
Just kidding, though you knew I was,
for you never bothered to stand up in the first place.
You know where you lay, I know where I sit;
On the throne I've built of traitors' bones, of course.
Hand on head, I give a snap,
releasing you of current tasks,
to come sit with me, have a chat,
where we'll both reveal our masks.
Mine split in half, the purest of good and the worst of evil,
though yours remained the same,
or so I thought, with a red glint in your eyes,
I smirked and stared, frost into fire,
watching it fade out slowly,
just like your free will;
Such a good puppy.
Written by
Heath Leonard  20/Agender/USA
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