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May 2013
you come home
from some business
event where
that waitress ate up
every word you said
--and best believe she had
a body that could ****--
but no
you made sure to make
it home
some things are more
important than that urge
that thirst that threatens
to take control
some things are more important
so you came home
but alone
and there she is
that beautiful
wonderful woman
the one that you
flipped off mother nature
and denied temptation
there she is
god you love her
she is everything you
think you need
but you're drunk so
what do you know
should've took the advice
your friends gave you
and brought that waitress
home instead
instead your drunk
and you think you're
in love
but what do
you know
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
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