Always belived and so easily said the word rolls of the tounge of those who use it and abuse it used for many reasons misused in multiple situations the words meanings change in the seasons yes, it is love.
Love which lifts us all up from the darkness we onced lived in but not the kind that family can give you the one only a person with the right intentions wants to smother you with kisses hold you while you cry without them being the reason why the one who makes you laugh with a silly joke or with a poke and thinks your the perfect you.
Love that fills you with hope the kind that helps you cope that person that cares for your safety and doesnt want to take it to far until your ready the one who replaces the hate from your brain and the black from your soul the one who accepts you for everything you are as a complete whole.
Love that doesnt hurt you and gives you patience for time the person who will wait for you and stays truthful, wont lie.
Love knows no color or shape *** or race it is what's within our rights to love whom we want who our hearts desire.
Love. Love is a person. A person who you want to find the one you want to share a life with the one you want to see a future a forever and and always.