When you got the Whats-the-use’s cuz ole' Scratch done pulled off yet another coup…
Remember to remind yourself to keep on…
When you don’t think you can… When you feel so alone… Dig out… from under… cuz if we stay down then wrong will win…
Yes… it is a long and dusty road...
but let us not lay prostrate no matter how tempting in the aftermath... and seemingly well worn path of insanity's destruction...
get up Beloved…
Lift your eyes to the hills From whence your help comes… and Speak a word To your self… Encourage Your self... Lay hands on Your self... Dust your own self off… and Keep on… keep on… Run On!
I heard the singer say “I think I’m gonna run on, to see what the end is gonna be… “ And that feels mighty good to my soul… so Let’s run on… And see what the end is gonna be…