There is a new word describing me type one, type two, type three nothing is as it once seemed brown bandages become red, ****** catheters go up my urethra when I refuse to take your drug test by accident. I'm clean, now, clean and pure I take Abilify to make sure and remember that it's all an imbalance and remember that everyone else is balanced and remember that the whole ******* world is balanced on a tether formed by gravity gravity-- the severity of this situation-- is lost on me and on that tether we all walk unbridled by the weight of our bodies we can shake all that makes us human and pathologize every thought crime every idea needs to be cleansed with a catheter into the brain we would be able to test it for drugs and find that all I was high on was existence and how terrible it is that we will all die but that shouldn't bother a doctor at all, now should it.