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May 2013
And once, amid the drear, dark wasteland of the night,
I met you on the Hill of Dreams; towards the hour
When long, mysterious shadows, and the folding flower
Call home the day, and bring the evening star to sight.

And there, alone, we saw a sky that burned
With the dragon’s-blood of sunset, with a beauty unsurpassed
That seared the sight, until it fell to ash at last.
And then, in the first faint radiance of the moon, I turned

To hold and kiss you, and to swear my love once more,
And look out upon the sleeping city far below.
To sense infinity around us, and to know
Such depths of love as I had never known before.

Sublime, divine and radiant Princess of Desire,
You are my dream within a dream, the one fair prize
Of life that I would cherish; in your depthless eyes,
I see the bright reflection of my love for you.

And, may it shine forever, clear and true;
Beyond that time when life itself expires.
In this, and other lives to come, our paths will meet.
And in the circle of your love, I am complete.
Written by
Mark Williams  London
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