Let's give form to a thought at the back of my head And let it grow, let it drag me away from my body Let it stretch me out into the past and future So I lose sight of what IS Which is here, which has always been It speaks to itself, playing that it can't know For we know that all that we can know is but Difference from Oneness, And we know that inside ourselves We are each other, nothing separates us, no, We haven't yet identified ourselves definitively but we are Stuck inside the ego while we play the game of time But we're not going to get rid of it We'll need it if the Saucers come Or dead men rise to eat our brains, But it remains, and as it should A dormant tool that reawakens Whenever the need emerges
Why not take these forms that start to rise and amplify themselves in feedback loops ******* them on the page and leave them there, Outside the body, Use that action as the symbol of our casting out, not our denial but our separation From the notions that emerge of perceived Injuries from outside parties; All the pain is caused within And comes from giving shelter to those forms that form their feedback loops Demanding our attention, and insisting we'll be incomplete Until we can fulfill their fantasies of pasts and futures