I've been Depressed, lost and and alone for a while now but I do not fear, for I know now I'm from a planet a long way from here. I hear my own essence in the form of a voice, calming me, telling me, I came here by choice.
I'm here for a reason I do not yet know. but I feel its for my spirit to live learn and grow.
Alas it is not easy to believe these wonderful things. when my mind acts so blind and treats them as sins.
but my mind isnt me, its just my human form, trying to stop be from believing, to make me conform. by putting my own voices in my head, asking me and telling me what I think of being dead.
I will get better in time, my soul is still young with a long way to go, for my star sign is Aries the very first of the flow. Though I feel I'm very old, like I already know my destiny, as if its been foretold.
So I now sit here staring at the moon, wondering when I can go home.... hoping its someday soon.