First thing in the morning Last thing late at night It something I can't shake off But wouldn't want to Despite, the fact I'm not sleeping The fact I'm still awake It's a longing feeling that lingers everyday But the thought of anything else on my mind Scares me even more If I let this fade out Where will it reside Shall it plague someone else's mind I don't want to find I lose all that I am wanting I lose what I don't have What is there really to lose, other than this feeling driving me mad I just wish it was happiness that kept me from my bed Not the unknowing doubt that flows through my head Will it ever be so, or is this my destined fate Am I ever to find out, can I beat the wait? Waiting means more time Left alone with my mind But if she is the soul thought I can get used to thoughts of that kind Because its the only time I see her That's the only time she is mine Other than that what am I? I'm not even a bit on the side Surely it shouldn't hurt this much being in love if it is our goal Yet why does this non reciprocated love leave such a gaping hole? I feel like I am lying to myself and it never really was that good But then I think about it and think No. Of course it was How could it not be real, surely noone is that mean But then circumstances rule some people, others change their fate If it was worthwhile to them, I'd probably not have to wait