Whenever I see you it's different, I'm always some varying level of completely bastarding legless drunk. Usually you are too but that's life though isn't it? Like our heartless business arrangement, that's life too.
It gives me life, and drains me of it. I still maintain I saved you, everyone hated your girlfriend. You have terrible taste in girls, I'd hate me if I knew me any better. But right now I don't know who I am.
Nobody knows me anymore. I've changed that much, it's tragic really. To lose myself to an uproar of useless emotions. I gave up on love a year or so ago and now I know what I know I wouldn't go back on it.
I wonder if you told me you loved me would I feel anything. Would I be angry, or cynical or stay here or leave you because I'm too much of a mess to ever reciprocate it. Or maybe love triumphs over expectation. Over death and trouble and devastation.