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Apr 2013
I want to check my emotions at the door
And drop my keys in a bowl
Baby, oh baby
Take all of what I got
And I'll pretend to do the same
I have a book of your emotions
Because I know I'll never see them in real life

Use me, abuse me, and take me to someplace darker than this
I'm a globe trotter
And a dog-walker
Your dogs look tired, why don't you sit down?
Oh, there's no seating save for my lap
You know what to do

I came without you
I can do me all by myself
I don't need you
In fact
It's a hell of a lot easier without you

I can be exactly
whoever the ****
I want.
and I can ****
Exactly whoever I want.

Catholic with a very foul mouth
Not that I'm proud of this
But I'm proud of my writing
No lie
Few alibis
I'm really in China
I have small feet to keep it tight
If you know what I mean

There's nothing in me that wants to continue
And don't read into this, because it's as much about you as it isn't
That's to say, not a whole lot?

I know it's never meant to be easy
But sometimes I wish it were just a little easier

I like music that screams at me
It makes me feel at home.
Don't you know it.
Just don't flatter yourself.
In all honesty, this is just thought spill. Whoever reads this, please don't think it's about you. I promise you it isn't. This is about me, and it always has been.
M Clement
Written by
M Clement  Oregon
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