we ate dinner together once if you could call it that we hardly ate anything I was sick to my stomach and you were bored tap. tap. tap. and I'm sure there were plenty of places and plenty of people you would have rather been doing but no you were there with me eating some **** dinner that we got for cheap in the back corner of some **** diner terrible lighting to say the least but the company was nice I remember you had these skinny fingers always elaborately painted nails and you would run them through my hair at night and talk to me about how crazy we all are and were and always would be but that was long before this last supper now all those nails did was tap tap. tap. tap. on the glossed red plastic table as you grew more bored and more apathetic
I was pulling at air took all I had not to lose my cool --already lost my appetite-- the complex emotions of the fairer *** continued and continue to be a source of frustration your eyes found mine tap. tap. tap. and they seemed unfamiliar the deep brown I had once discovered seemed hardened cold but we both already knew what the eyes couldn't hide and eventually I paid the bill and you were gone gone. gone. gone. my imagination ripe with your destination some lucky ******* I couldn't muster the energy to get up from that booth the kind old waitress came over eventually smiling cautiously but without words as she refilled my water in silence we both knew it was going to be a long night