Forever unhappy. These words echo throughout my mind searching for a landing spot as if my mind was made up of cliffs, instead of a straight cave. Damage done throughout the years has broken off pieces of matter from the sides, seemingly making me unstable when in reality each groove offers security to those brave enough to enter my darkness and venture forth. Forever unhappy has become the theme of my penitentiary. He wrote it as I felt it, but when the earth shook with our last kiss it still didn’t budge. Emancipation- if there is such a thing- has failed to find me despite the fact that I left. I took a liberty walk into a straightjacket because the truth is: I cannot escape him. Since his absence, I have lost feeling. If I’m not preoccupied, I’m numb. I press through the day normally except for the occasional external faltering to submission in doses of anxiety attacks where my hyperventilation becomes a rhythm of its own until I find myself distracted once again. I’m forcing myself to be more involved with life, but it’s false hope. I know he resides in me, waiting rather impatiently for my return. Lurking like a demon, yet shadowed to preserve innocence so when the light renders him different, we can both blame my vision.