She sits on her porch swing Thinking about her former love She clings to a picture of him But now he watches from above
She remembers that night he was very stressed She got in his car He hadn’t had much rest And he had just left the bar
She wanted to drive But he said he was fine She didn’t know he would never get to arrive Or that it would end on an incline
He raced down the street She yelled slow down They just wanted to get something to eat He didn’t need to speed in town
Neither one seen the car coming straight for them Than all they heard was glass breaking When the car finally stopped it was 12 am When she woke she was aching
The nurse walk in with the papers She said that they had saved her but not him She slipped into a vapor She thought it was so grim
Its been 50 years now And the doctor said yesterday that it won’t be long She kept her vow That they would walk along side by side again
She slowly set the picture down next to her Than she seen his beautiful face She knew she had made the transfer And all she felt was grace