They tell me that I need to use my voice to be heard But How can a soft spoken voice be heard In a crowd of millions Without having to yell out my verbs and nouns and adjectives How can I make myself known to the world Without spreading the word that we are just a herd Spreading our curd through the suburb With blurbs to our jurors I mean our peers who leer, Jeer, cheer, and fear that we will destroy That which is near and dear to them And create chaos that cannot be silenced Unless violence is used on our insolent minds That refuse to accept the truths Fed to us by those in power Believing that their word is the law of all And they shall not fall from their fragile pedestal I refuse to allow such madness to occur And spur the world into a frenzy That's too crazy for the lazy to comprehend No, I'd rather fight against the chaos Even if it means I am forced to fight the world With the same voice that refuses to yell