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Apr 2013
I cant put it into words about how i feel. It's like trying to describe the taste of water I mean, I don't know what it is about you but when I look at you I'm home. You took all that sadness away from me and gave me hope. I'm not sure where'd I would be without you but I'm glad you stuck around. The ropes that used to hold me down, they're not there anymore. You cut right through and helped me out of that mess and then made me fall more and more in love with you. You make my world so different from what it was before. Your sole presence changed me so much in a small amount of time. I'm so thankful for that. And now that I know how much you love me there is no way I'm going back in that darkness I once called 'home' . With just one smile my way you can change my day.

You love fiercely and I love that. Even with all my bitterness and stupidity you saw past that and loved me for me. I know that no matter what happens you'll be there .You've always been there for me.

Every time I think of you, hear your name being said or I see something that has to do with you it makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter their wings so much I don't know what to do when I'm around except smile like an idiot. A smile I cannot control.

You own my heart and of that I'm sure. I can't deny it.

I could go on for eons with the many things that make me happy when I'm with you. Lists and lists of all the ways you make me smile.

Nights like these I think back and I ask myself this: " How could someone as perfect as him love someone as broken as me?" And then I remember every thing you said to me and how many times you've made me smile and I don't worry anymore. I know that you're going to stick around, but I'm always so worried you're going to leave..... I'm just glad I finally found someone I can be myself around.
Cheyanne Lynn
Written by
Cheyanne Lynn
   Arj, Tom McCone, Jessica Wong and N
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