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Apr 2013
I love you
I love your inconsistency,
I love how you ruin my day
and make it up to me
when the moon starts to show.

I love you, I love you, all of you;
All of what's left, and all of what
you could become in the future;
all the scars on your skin
making you lovelier than ever.

I love how you bleed and
how you could hold onto the thorns
that consumed me; I love your innocence
and your childish needs.

I love your mistakes and
our constant arguments,
I love you, I love you being there.
I love how you see me
when I'm at my prettiest;
and when all my troubles build
like walls around my chest;

and you'd sit, you'd stay,
you'd watch, you'd know,
what makes me tick,
what makes me grow,
what makes me run,
what makes me want you more;
I love you, from the surface
down to the core;
I love you,
with all my aching soul.
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