If I hide in the closet in the far back corner, I don't know if I would be escaping anything but the light. I want to hide though. I don't want people watching me. The sense of failure is impeding fast. I am so tired of looking sick and feeling sicker. I used to believe that I would make a difference. I would rise above my illnesses and write a great American novel. But now? Now I feel as though the world has stopped spinning for me. As if to say, "Jump off! We don't need you anymore...." I feel like a failure. I wanted more - before the sickness set in. Before the invasion. I want to write beautiful things. I want to write about beautiful people doing beautiful things. But - I don't.... I write about how I'm dying. I write about having an addiction. I write about how no one wants to be around me. No wonder.... No wonder no one wants to be around me. I have a world of dreams in my head, But no one wants to be around the dying man. I used to have such breathtaking dreams. But no one will ever know.
I wrote this with the curtains pulled to keep out the light - to keep out the world.