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Apr 2013
I’ve seen you twice since it happened
And each time you looked away so fast
I thought your neck might snap,
Like my face burned your retinas.
Am I so disgusting to you now
That the sight of me turns your stomach?
Am I so repulsive to you now
That sharing a space induces nausea?
You looked at me, in that brief moment
Like you’d look at a piece of road ****.

The words “I love you” scared you
So much so that you left my life entirely.
When I spoke those words without thinking
I didn’t know this would happen
That you’d pretend we never met,
And when you saw me on occasion
I’d make you feel so sick.

I told you it was fine, I was fine.
I could be your friend no matter the circumstance,
But the horror you felt at the mere idea
That I wanted to be with you
Ruined and overturned our friendship.
Victoria Jean
Written by
Victoria Jean  I live in Iowa
(I live in Iowa)   
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