I'm walking down this empty road Only full with falling whiteness I take my time to catch air As I continue my stroll
I come to a stop Seeing a man appearing in the park Covered in a hat and scarf Soon I start to see a raging war happening
Smelling this sweetness I start moving in its direction I come to a house that seems to be empty But there's a fork and pie set up As my fatigue disappears I continue onwards yet again
My adventures almost over But I have one last place to go I carry myself up this steep mountain of snow However I come to the top for a view
As the light arises in the morning I race down this mountain Only to see my destination I stop or a moment once again
I'm surrounded by familiar faces My fantasy stops to show me reality I close my eyes and lift my head up towards the clear sky This feeling makes me feel in peace but also cold I open my eyes to see the winter snow