This is a poem about how I'm waiting But it is not about how alternative I am or how I am writing a book in the coffee shop I am not writing a book I'm not writing a book about particle physics I'm trying to figure out, instead, how love can be simultaneously the most pleasurable and painful feeling In the entire universal lexicon of feelings And why I work so hard to get you to say I LOVE YOU Even though I know it's true from the way you move your face slightly to accommodate mine And the way you hold me after we have rough *** as if to say You are delicate and I will not break you That's love But I need to hear you say it I need you to run to where I am sitting in this coffee shop listening to Country western folk songs on college radio And tell me Come into my arms I love you even when you let yourself go. Even when you dissolve into a million particles I cannot see or even comprehend Like the Higgs Boson Or the things they do in the LHC And love is something, that, like those particles I am not sure I understand But it is something that I feel And I feel it for you.