There ain't real salary, wages, or full time only disgruntled currency and spoiled company that left the milk out after breakfast while flashing
Nike sneakers, Motorola phones, burying a forgotten geometric axiom, bestowed with several hammers, in the place where angels fall from trees
when you shake up their limbs , threaten to pull their hair. Sleeping used to be a victim-less crime until I left you swinging all by your lonesome
even when dad was shaking me awake at two after two. Noon. I was up, down, in and backed out sideways through a diagonal cave that
was flooded by Europeans who lost their leather shoes trying to find Truth by shutting themselves inside out
Even if God turns out to be dead or under a trance because he found his true love wearing ***** pants, folded backwards
and frayed at the shins, while she's got holes on inside her thighs and the final schema, parallel to the referee
signalling for the bell that's situated behind environmentally friendly nuclear bombs that Bin Laden used to get at a discounted
price and sold them to America marked up 3 fold.Β Β They'll burn medicinal plants besides the **** in your backyard and feed us cancer while
selling us over-priced tickets to watch over-paid men play with ***** while those on wall street pull out their carving knives
on the turkey that was too dried out that upon entry it burst into a double helix of poisonous rat-tails that fell off Zeus when they
shattered his lightening in the sand and opened the glass to the forbidden triangle of the man with *****, soiled wrinkled hands, placing his spine out for all to see