Why do we deserve patents When we aren't the painters of this life
And now it's a competition between you and mom About who ******* me up the least It was you, and mom when you did those things I won't say but will do,
I will say sorry though, 'Cause I feel bad, Sometimes for being here. Everything good happend before I came along. According to your anecdotes I was the buffer to your happiness. Your notes changed from melodies to memories It's now lullabies to baby at 3am
But to be honest this isn't on me You're too busy missing the old You forgot to love new. The new fat that shows I'll always be a part of you, You didn't look in my eyes when they said you're the most beautiful thing I've seen The sun is still out, it's just landed on a new beautiful You need to appreciate, and know that to be mom is to be everything that you already are