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Apr 2013
I smell Motherland in the corridor
She crept up on me with her soap, drunken men and things Iā€™d rather forget
I was thinking about death since I was 10.
The plane gets up,
Chicken soup is served.
Here are your nuts.
Have this lolly, the tension is getting
And higher
I cannot hear anything.
We are now in a very neat place
Incheon, South Korea
Fancy, shiny, pricey
Another plane, bigger
Yoghurt and cheesecake
I like this food better.
We get off, and even the ground shines
The air is very different
For the first day I smell this country it does has a specific smell
And after 5 years
You creep up on me, my love.
Kim Jong Il
Written by
Kim Jong Il
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