Of drawn-to by her unrelenting charm I will sequester my self to pay a debt for inclusion
My first fear, is that given pure leisure to look upon her beauty to that-point of sated joy
That that state will make a princox of my heart and in this impetuous state past apt reason,
(which reason is necessary in any competition, or wise contemplation) that my mind may cause me to fall upon the sward of my-own adoration
My second fear, is that her image, against ambition graven, indelible on mind and my imagined presence of her in this constant fashion, may cause me much grief and derivate dichotomy of will in the instance of some other more important vying
But, Soliloquys aside, I who in memory of being a small-will within Caused my larger-will to consciously surrender And I changed, and brought a true face forward To see and be seen by her Ecstatic beauty