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Jan 2020
He was so Capricorn(her first love).
She was so Cancer.
A Libra(the optimistic) took over her love.
The Aquarius(her soulmate) warned her.
But she ignored.
Her ignorance paid her the most.
She was too late to confess.
The Aquarius got off holding hands with a Virgo(the real deal)
Broken she laid on the dark cold floor
Her tears making it worse
She found peace in the half hearted Taurus(her long lost friend)
A Sagittarius(the other half) won the Taurus over.
An eye contact with the Aries(her first Crush) gave her some unwanted sleepless nights.
The Leo(her rude friend) constantly dominating her.
The Gemini and the Virgo just played.
At last the Scorpio(her bestfriend) saved her.
Little did she know that the Pisces (the romantic back bencher) would make her his Valentine forever.
Written by
ADRIJA  20/F/Kolkata
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