oh sweet silence i failed to understand the reference for so very long how could it be golden when language and words can be so full of light so glorious it is only when the talk usually so stimulating and enchanting turns into something so cold so repetitive with unclear motives in a torturous context why must you torment me please just be direct clear and honest you can prolong this as long as you would like but it doesn't change the truth of the situation the outcome cannot be delayed you are simply causing me pain forcing me toΒ Β escalate a feeling of distress into one of rage annoyance and resentment those are feelings i wish not to know in such an intimate manner i do however desire feelings of joy and pleasure cheer and bliss please indulge me it is one of the few things i request of you do not deny me them instead allow me to feel what we both desire please you ask me to beg so now i will end this boxiness and allow the breeze to enter us both again
there are few things in this life that i am certain of but i have no doubts about our worthiness of this