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Apr 2013
Courage is something I will never have.
Like Christmas presents,
I will never get what I asked for.

Content is something I never understood.
Like history and math,
I never really bothered learning.

Truth is something I can never believe.
Like magicians,
They put you at awe with a pinch of misdirection.

Passion is something I can never maintain.
Like Swiss watches,
Too much effort, too much time, too much risk.

Games are things I will never play.
Like Scrabble,
I have too little vocabulary for too many variables.

Greed is a part I can never avoid.
Like speed,
The faster I go, the faster I go.

You are something I will never get.
Like poker,
I must never cash in more than I can afford.

I guess you are something I truly regret.
Like soap opera,
I cried for something unreal, tear for nothing surreal.

I guess you are something dismay.
Like rainy nights,
Sad songs drummed the rain drops.

I guess you are you, ultimately.
We disconnect like two unfit jigsaws,
We reconnect like two fit strangers.

We reflect, deflect and subject to many a change,
But at the end,
We conclude in silence.

As the curtain drop to a close,
Stillness filled our hearts.
Emptiness filled our dreams.

While speechlessness filled our mouths,
We forget every nip of attraction lost.
Lost to, not mine, but your utmost desire.
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