“Listen here buds” I’m not going to **** around or hold back or try to even the score and in return “Don’t **** with me” “moooore”*
This is an ode to ol' Stuart Or Brandon Or Stubacca Or Bongshit Whatever you want to call him Call him it Conflict Resolution Resided In Penta rips I reminisce Too **** often That’s what I am here to admit
I guess that is the purpose of this poem Is to make all the apologies I left unsaid And to leave all the unsaid slights behind
Because in my mind, I was not a good roommate And you weren’t either But our insult based arguments would deflate Recognizing we were both underachievers Two ******* calling the kettle black Denzel Washington Movies And Back In Quail Room 1514 Was a “Kozy Shack” Was not for the weak Lungs The haziest of all hostels A blaze fest A Bro-out Brothel "OB Get the ******* door!" "And don't forget to lock and towel" Escape from the real world Into the mythical Qualcation
The Adherol - know it alls 3 Pills of dex – 45 minutes crushed text Book and and back when we were hooked “This **** is just like doing M” Thank christ for all your friends in MGMT As it didn’t stop you from copying them Mr. Rintoul had bigger fish to fry
And I was frying them because the kitchen was foreign So at 4 in The mornin’ I’d be cookin’ creative Broke *** creations Cause stomach pains Are a serious disease
Please Don’t take This poem The wrong way Because back in the day Are the days I miss the most We played host To a family of friends Anyone would want to boast
Thank you for reminding me it was your birthday Every ******* year Every elaborate party You deserved No Hissy fit was unwarranted Speaking on behalf of a floor Matt You know the one you parented The upmost respect remains For papa Stewie
And when I got my dewy I got a few hugs of sympathy While you laughed in my ******* face And when you couldn’t find a roommate I happily took that place And when I left movie night in the trailer To go do slam poetry at a talent show You made me feel so out of place And when I returned with my 100$ winnings You were the first person I bought a pilsner case
The fact that you never made the break through To see the majority of the time We were laughing at you not with you Doesn’t seem to be an issue Because maybe you did know all along Staying in check Punishing us stoner massages That could break necks
Now these days with a real job that really pays Stuart Rintoul will still tell you he is LiViN’ Even - If he is stuck in Edmonton This separation “Is horseshit”
Let me state it one last time old pal This poem is not meant to offend And deep down from Roses to the Corral I hope you bang all my ex girlfriends
I should have never left you all those times for ******* Or in the words of Tuner “PP!” I should have stayed and watched Blade 3
To all those who really knew Stu It was really me eating all the peanut butter by the spoon But blaming it on you Was too opportune
Stu, You are ******* clutch ******* decent And so ******* “chitty”
You were the best friend I should have never asked for And for this I will never **** with you Any “mooooore”