promises are never meant for keeping. empty words flung around, luring innocents into a sense of familiar false security. i promised i wouldn't, but i did. i promised i would, but i didn't. all still empty words swirling down a dingy bathtub drain, dirt collecting 'round the rim.
promises are never meant for keeping. i feel the needleprick if my own shortcomings, sharper than a surgeon's scalpel carved my breast in two; the autopsy recites the cause--- "overdose, heart failure, aneurism." "cancer, blood loss, asphyxiation." but i died log ago, in the velvet arms of mother dear as she murdered her whispered bedtime melodies that alighted my fondest memories; when she told me life is hard and magic can be sold.
promises are never meant for keeping; they wither over time like wilted flowers in the windowsill, years if drought apparent in their sad, shriveled cores. i was promised much and promised more in return, but we're left all with only aching temples and half-empty beers.