Once upon a time it was love… Before the the love and passion... Settled in cooled ashes of limpid cold embraces Before... When you remembered special dates and made special dates Oh yes...it was so lovely back then
I remember once upon a time… Dressing up for special occasions choosing a special dress to wear- And shoes to make me feel tall and **** When we talked at our table in a restaurant Instead of staring at others… Envious of their words and looks that spoke of passion... Passion that we once shared Yes, it was so lovely back then...
Looking forward to nightfall In un-conjured confidence that love would fill our longings We once shared those warm, special moments at breakfast... Smiling, like we had a secret we’d just shared… Pretending shyness - Knowing we had just shared passionate, special moments
Then it found itself disquited... By long moments of unfamiliar silence that touched both of us With a single, extinguished tiny flame... Yes, it was so lovely back then