Oh Constantine! why did you have to see that cruciform in the sky? the day you won your battle—the world lost so much more (since then) than you would have that day—where would we be without Christianity being the dominant dogma engrained in the minds of so many? would the Roman Empire not have fallen?—Saint Peter’s Basilica never would Have been built; the Colosseum and Pantheon would have kept more of their grandeur—more important buildings than a grand church more for tourism than to house God… take a look at the Greek and Roman civilizations; then look at the medieval ages—what happened to all that advanced thought? shamed and oppressed by men who took a book of myth too seriously—over a millennium of intellect wasted—we picked up where the Greeks left off with the Enlightenment (if not farther behind…)
Oh Constantine! why couldn’t you have let Christianity be content with a few backwards cults?