breaking news from the corner of a dimly lit restaurant forecast says we'll be awaiting clear skies yet all we've received are storms and hail
breaking news conflict has risen tension is building and i find myself uneasy with all this warfare
breaking news the skies have become a detrimental shade of grey clouds reaching for each other yet i haven't felt a single drop from above you keep asking me if i think it'll rain and though i won't say it out loud i really hope it does
breaking news with this new season approaching i thought i'd feel something significantly greater than the last yet here i stand feeling indifferent i can't say if this is how i wanted things to go with all the unpredictability and confusion yet i know we're both yearning for the same ending
breaking news i haven't seen you around lately with all the fog in the air it's hard to see clearly i wait for it to pass knowing that it'll always take longer than i want it to
breaking news it seems my predictions haven't gone as planned awaiting sunlight and tranquility i've been fooled by the long downpours in the evening the violet flares on the bus rides home i can never seem to get what i want
breaking news this warfare is blowing out of proportion both sides attacking the other allies now rivals missiles tanks grenades a grudge held longer than needed a pact, now broken an unnecessary need to prove the other wrong why can't they ever find common ground?
breaking news although, it really isn't news at all i haven't been doing much these days sitting contemplating it's almost time for you to go the skies canvas appears more drearier than before is this a foreshadowing of our ending?
breaking news i've been accused of a crime i had no intention of committing yet that serves as no honorable justification here i am serving time for the hurt i've unleashed upon others i knew i should've stayed home
breaking news it seems no number of apologies can mend what's been said and done i'm still fighting for a cause which disintegrates by the day and i'm afraid that not even myself can salvage what remains you don't say much these days but i can't say i blame you especially with all the strife we've succumbed to silence is the only thing given and taken
breaking news and i promise this is the last thing i'll say before i go will these moments shared between us be sufficient? or are we both in need of something more? times are changing there is already enough vileness this world has succumbed to do you want to become another individual who falls victim to it? take a second look above you the welkin deafiningly grumbling fulmination transcending take a look outside and tell me is it gonna rain today?