I’ve traded simple treasures, for a byte of Apple’s pleasures. I'm in high speed hurry to find high tech worries. I’ve given up social innocence for a world wide web stimulant. I don’t talk or show emotions. I just text with my emojis. Photo albums have been replaced with Dell’s memory data base. Our kids can’t even sign their names, yet we look the other way in shame. Don’t want to strain or use your mind? Just google it, and save some time. Games and apps infest like pests. Imaginations are laid to rest. We don't compute or understand if its not an email, text, or scanned. Like a wild west tragedy, the Gate’s Gang of technology took our towns, our homes and schools... and turned us into cyber fools. We play the IPhone/Android wars just like the Hatfields and McCoys. I hope my laptop doesn't die, before I can complete this rhyme. I have to warn the world of dangers. I'll be a wild west high tech Ranger! Its time to open up our eyes and let technology hang high! So please without further ado... free yourselves and say, "YAHOOOOO"!