Close to this end you were a free-spirit caged Body-bound parlyzed, muted and muzzeled, entombed locked alive and screaming from a keyless cell. A fleshy coffin-with-a-view, an unburied object of pity on public display.
Further from this end you were daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother. More. You will always be so much more.
Leading up to this end you showed me a suffering so completely devestating I can't bear to think of it. I can't bear to speak of it.
A suffering I could never endure myself. A suffering I can't understand or imagine, and hopefully never experience. A suffering I had been praying your release from for years. A suffering you had been pleading your release from for years.
A suffering that thankfully you are now released from.
It is a suffering I will never forget, that you alone endured.
I had never known strength until I witnessed your strength through your suffering.
Here at this end I know real loss.
It is a loss I cannot possibly bear, but will. Using a strength that is not mine, but yours.