I often imagine how my life would be, if I could speak to nature and hear its response to me. If I could touch the sky with my bare hand, or view the world from wherever I chose to stand.
If I was successful at everything I attempted to do, or had the ability to make wishes come through. What if I was loved and wanted by everyone I met, or even had the power to cheat 'old' death.
There would be no need for me to worry or be sad all the time, for all I desire would ultimately be mine. I wouldn't have to bear the pain of losing those I hold dear, for there would be plenty of time to build on the love we share.
Getting a glimpse of reality, I'm able to say, the things I've spent these minutes imagining will never be that way. Maybe, just maybe, if the world wasn't so polluted with ills, then these imaginations of mine would be worth believing in.