Miles of concrete blend with the white sand The way tan blends into brackish waters And out into the horizon beyond the Barriers, Where even the tall pines fade Into fallen, charred logs.
Across the way, Fort Maurepas Stands tall, paying tribute to our French ancestors, Where children race around in circles And jump in the splash pad, Their pigtails bouncing, bouncing
So this is the Gulf Coast. A Sunday evening In early June, pedaling as the sun sets, Breathing in the salty air, and Dodging walkers, runners, and other bikers, Still exchanging small smiles.
Behind ancient live oaks, Lie artists who have made their mark: O’Keefe, Ohr, Anderson, and more, Marked by the three silver pods Whose every curve shines light for passersby.
You feel like that; you feel like Stopping and walking instead To slow down time, like Dipping your toes in the cool water, like Dancing carefree with the pods.
You feel like pulling over and running Down to the end of the pier, where A couple patiently fish for trout, like Diving in without warning nor looking back. Instead, You keep pedaling and admire the calm of the Gulf.