This wall you build around angelic things to keep their halos shiny-bright, instead you'll never hear the sound of downy wings.
These Precious Moments smiles and wedding-rings (for mixed-*** couples only), when they wed, this airtight wall around angelic things,
a thousand miles from where a seraph sings God's love for hated folk and underfed; you'll never hear the sound of downy wings
unless you break the prejudice that brings the boundary where angels fear to tread, this airtight wall around angelic things
that shutters out angelic visitings, or when you too are dying on your bed you'll never hear the sound of downy wings.
you never know with whom they'll break their bread, or so the writer to the Hebrews said; This wall you build around angelic things Will never hear the sound of downy wings.
written as a response to a thought-provoking blog post by Thomas Bushnell, BSG :