I waited for hope in the dead of night when a rumble In the grass from the sound of hoof prints edge in the ground I saw a glimpse of a white horse in fright of the wolfs scared was my mind I did not have the time to give my soul to it but I gave my spirit and jumped in the wind I waited for hope in the dead of night the moon gleamed as it was to smile the night Owel leeped on the branch to seem as if it would say seize the moment before it goes away so I gallaped through my weary thought to ride my restlessness away to see a promise of a new day i waited for hope in the dead of night when I was swept away from my guilt and pride to live for the ride I for fitted rationality for thrill I exchanged preservation for courage when the lion was at my door God chased him away when the snake was to snare he took away despair like the Holy Spirit filled the air the white horse was there and misarry was out of sight as I waited for hope in the dead of night