what is our high what is our choice what are the reasons we have no voice because of the things or because of dear dad or because of the conflicts we too often have well our reasons seem simple and our reasons seem true but more than too often they’ll leave us so blue this undying need for glory and fame has taught us sincerely to play this game yeah we’ll dance with our prophets dance them real slow say hello to the legends before they all go we’ll live like the gypsies and blow like the wind and dance with our prophets till they let us in when our eyes grow tired and our desires grow weak when our internal martyr you know he’s begging for sleep then we’ll reach for the heavens and reach for the stars we’ll reach for whatever for we’ve traveled too far now the words of the wise men you they’ll dance on our tongues while the white dove sheds tears for what we’ve become and our discarded children whom we’ve left alone no longer will cry and now they’ll throw the stones