In an officer's mess Sat together an doctor, lawyer, Teacher,scientist, soldier and engineer together at rest. Each describeth their own glorious career. Starting with thy doctor, who say thee "My profession is equivalent to god as an institutional proctor, The most noble service is of a doctor I save lives with my experience in the field, With my instruments and positive spree" Then came thy lawyer who said "Oh keep thou, What life is without the notion of justice That spendeth my life fighting towards injustice By fighting for thy rights towards mine peak Saving thy dignity and integrity with a positive streak" Then came thy Teacher, who say thee " Ah keep thou, More important than thy life and justice is the right to education of the county And so, I do my duty with my full passion and honesty Anyway, people become what you all are today For without a teacher to guide it is impossible anyway" Then came thy scientist who say thee " All your ideals and ideas given were researched by me" Then came thy soldier, who say thee " The reason thou sleepeth peacefully Is because of me" In the background sat thy engineer quiet The one designeth the implements used by thee That is why always remember service in any norm, is service to God in all form