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Dec 2019

The sirens
had hit rock bottom.

Leaving the land of Myth
for the lure of Hollywood

"One very big myth-take!"
as they youngest siren lisped.

"Mortals have lost
all belief in us!"

the sirens whined
in unison.

"Men no longer jump
into the sea on hearing us!"

they all opined
as one.

"How has it
come to this?"

Now as the Siren Sisters
reduced to playing

support for ****** Bananarama!
Zeus wept!

Even Jason and the Argonauts
and that stupid boy band Oh Oh Odysseus

billed above them
- mere mortals!

Their greatest hit
Love on the Rocks

a badly recorded memory
on an ancient TOTP!

Where had it all gone
not right?

Here now in a jazz club
in a run down Soho dive

nobody paying a blind bit of notice
to their shimmering act.

"Can you believe we are
thousands of years old?

And still seem so...
this fresh?"

They can't hear themselves
above the clatter of chats and plates.

Even Suzie Siren's sax solo
lost amongst the smoke and jeers.

"Ya gotta lose the bird costumes girls
show some more flesh...get with the ****!"

their dodgy manger attempts to bring them
into the naughty Noughties.

"And whose gonna follow a band they
can't pronounce - Thelxinoe, Molpe, and Aglaophonos!"

A siren steps up to the spotlight
blinded by her tears.

"Ok...this is a song by our friend
Bobbie Zimmerman...aOneaTwoaThree!

"Ahhhhh it's all over now
baby blue!"
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
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