O Mistress Moth! Leap not unto the flame; Fear not the night that cloaks prey from its foes — Light is the unforgiving dais of fame And seeking of its joys unveils its woes — The pointed pyramid has but one capstone; Yet many storied stones may crave its peak, And trampling underfoot the very backbone That urges strength may make the structure weak — Be guided not by falsehoods ever bright; The fairest candle lit beyond a pane Of crystal glass may dream of freedoms flight, Imprisoned in its lonely lead-lined frame — Be at peace — Night demands no keen redress; And suffer not through fear of loneliness.
O Mistress Moth! Too swift the curtain came To billow through a broken pane the throes Of light and life anointed on your name — A miscreant by each appointment grows Until upon a trove it stands full-height, And towering hence commands with regal reign A Queen’s demise — So was it done this night — Let all who bore their malice wear this shame, For in their hands this sin will not atone; It grows as shadows lengthen in the wake Of shuttered light — To be as one alone Was much to bear, too much this one to take — So by this end an end we now possess; Our trial to bear this loss for loneliness.
O Mistress Moth! A clamour and acclaim Born of deeds born of sadness softly goes On — On with gust and grateful to remain An itch to tease far far beyond repose — A single truth makes many falsehoods moan — And some that made your vow no longer speak, And some that speak speak things to them unknown, And who knows true the boldness of the meek? Yours lives eternal blazing in the light — A hope borne beacon fated to retain The dreams and fears of one short mortal plight; A star that echoes like a lost refrain — If light was all your heart sought to caress, May boundless light repeal your loneliness.