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Dec 2019
Why do I question your gestures of kindness. Why do I question your love. Is it because I know the truth and that my heart blinds me with false feelings yet my brain runs every possible scenario imaginable. I rarely sleep, dreams dont come for me. I day dream while awake. Always pondering what may be what could be. I see you but everyone doesn't see me. You see the faint trail of tears that escaped down my cheek. Yet you are the one who doesn't loves me so they won't be wiped away. Fears and tears that is my life. Disappointed  in all aspects of my life; family friends they know not the depths of my madness. Madness or sadness one can't tell the difference only that they go and come hand in hand.  I feel the warmth of the sun yet cold I still feel. I have become numbed to life itself.  People tell me life is a rollercoaster yet falling is all I feel. I give that fake smile everyone sees but inside I'm dead or at least wish to be. How can I feel the warmth when your touch is cold as ice. How do I breath seeing how  I'm suffocated to the point of passing out. How do I tell you goodbye when we never said hello. How confused I feel when lying with you miles from you. Love painful to even hear so rarely that I feel deafened by silence. Life support is failing my train derailing. My guts trailing down to the ground. This is not life, this is not love. Death has become me and it has come to collect. A debit that cant be paid.
Written by
Katherine Hardison
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