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Dec 2019
A raging cold blaze surrounds me

This flame that started so small now out of control

I fear may soon destroy all that I love

Yet it is you who I love most that fans it

Why do you continue to feed it?

Is it your intention to let it consume all I hold dear?

Do you not realize you, who I cherish are in the gravest of danger?

I try to calm myself to no avail

I clutch and claw my way to some semblance of sanity

Some shred of warmth

Though the more I struggle the worse it gets

Slowly the realization washes over me as a cascade over a pebble

That the only way to save you from me

Is to release it into the night

Ablaze I run

I run through the darkness, a beacon

Though unknown is whatever is drawn to me

I run bellowing

Releasing the angst and rage that has been building, I run

I run with the hope that once this flame has ebbed

I will finally find rest as a new person

Free of the logs of despair and flame of cold rage

Free of the monster within that birthed it

And free to move on
Written by
Siyasanga Gcilishe
   Bogdan Dragos
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