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Apr 2013
my desperate gears grind
in hopes of vanquishing
the soft shoe shuffle
and sly smile serenade

but i am a stranger in
this clockwork land
and a fire now begins to burn
in the foundations of this folly
i have built

bitter taste now follows
her sweet furrowed brow
and rampant doubts flee the slow fear of
her eyes

as i cast myself headlong
at each broken future to repair
futile hope
she hastens behind gathering up
each spent medicine we laboured
to heal our lives with

desperate gears grind into the night
and our sweating bodies entwined in this
intoxicating brew of false hopes and twisted visions
soft shoe shuffle of moving ever forward
soft sly smile serenade calling us to the bright future
they are a slow death that envelopes us

save her please
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
   J Davis and Oh Henry cried she
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