I could never imagine this emptiness I could never imagine you leaving Yet, you left again I’m stuck here grieving Coughing, heaving, hurting, wheezing The pain cuts so deep, I’m stuck believing That my heart needs to stop beating To appease your convenience But, every day feels the same The pain doesn’t change The memories remain but the heart breaks A little more each day, your words were the bullets that pierced my soul The brain holds the memories but it takes So much to keep the tears back so they don’t flow Now, I miss that smile, I miss your laugh I’m stuck wishing for time I’ll never have Wanting a future but I’m stuck living in the past And it’s crazy, I’ll close my eyes and picture the stars But I see you shine, imagine you in my arms You’re on my mind, you’re in my heart All the time, in these lines, in these rhymes, even when we’re apart I’m sorry for all the pain I caused I was looking for something, anything, but found nothing cause I was lost But I love you, I swear I do Do you love me too?