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Apr 2013
It's all a glance and a little thought I had,
That started in a room full of studs.
A single deed has lit the stillness of my thoughts.
T'was a piece of yellow paper handed to me.
You've never realized that's half of my day a thought.
Yet you've made one thing possible to me that day.

I felt shamed and glad on the contrary.
Can't believe but a stranger did it to me.
Now I fall into too much pondering,
But still could not justify a string in it.
I'm a broke and can't read you,
Yet I long to wake up where I can see truth.

On the third moon I still wander on a broad daylight,
Wanting to find out if I'm still with me.
But a shadow showed me where the sun has not shone.
It isn't mine nor somebody I know.
I startled abruptly and screamed;
Because I'm afraid I won't recognize the face.

I turned my head ahead and tried to keep on.
My feet suddenly lose it's courage to touch the ground.
Like a child scare to take it's first steps.
Like a warrior afraid to lose in fights.
But at my back says, never waver,
I'll suppress your fights so you'll conquer.

I was blinded by injustice and too much agony.
I was succumb with my own fear and loses.
But that shadow which showed me where the sun has not shone,
Told me to hang on and be still.
I was like a prey submitting my self heartily.
Because I know this shadow won't **** me.

#4324 52
Cari's first Love Poem dedicated to him..
Cari Fuerte
Written by
Cari Fuerte  Philippines
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