Gene Wilder's ***** Wonka once asked me to step into a world of pure imagination and I danced to his voice of sugary imperfections. The swelling strings drizzled on top falsetto inflections captured me childishly with candy-coated attentions
But even the finest chocolate melts, and I learned to let purity be pushed by treacly lyrics or stern midgets secure in their fudge-topped zealotry. It sifts too pretty for me, powdering my grown-up infatuations with petty wants, getting a little messy
What I crave instead's stained-glass contraptions to propel me past the stretches of biblical proportion where light and dark don't mix. I'm no Idiot, good-hearted in the veins of Fyodor or Akira, and I can't see beyond the pure tedium of a blurredly driven snow
I like my mental drifts grime-choked and splotched with some savory do dropped in to dissolve flossy confections to a salted soup of imagined impurity.
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