I confide in the intimacy of other women. Ashamed of my actions, I can't dare tell her of my exploits.
As nature would have it, karma was the order of the day. Confronted by the most stringent of ultimatums, I had to give in.
I had imagined that this moment would have arrived on the eve of judgement day. But here I stand in front of her, trying to spare what's left of my blushes.
As I plea for forgiveness, I witness her trust, one that I took forever to build, crumble before my eyes. I had to salvage what was left, I had no option. I can't lose her; Not now, not ever.
I'm currently in limbo, I await her judgement. I desperately need to regroup, the world doesn't care about my feelings.
But while I wait for her to decree our fate, I comfort myself in the pleasures of poetry.